التفاصيل :
looking for applicants for a florist position for a new flower and gift shop in Abu Dhabi
Duties & responsibilities:
1.Serving customers, taking orders inperson/over the phone/online.
3.Maintain/Manage inventories of materials/equipment/products/Unpack/take care of stock.
4.Maintain daily records of POS systems.
5.Maintain photo/video of promote social media accounts.
6.MaintaIN Daily Opening/Closing.
what's up only : 0091521966377 / send you CV. emit address:
البيانات :
- المعلن Sabren Alzaytonia
- المدينة: الامارات - أبو ظبي
- السعر: 0.0AED
- تاريخ الاضافة: 3 سنة 2 شهر
- وسيلة الاتصال:
00 971 52 196 6377