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Aswan to Abu Simbel Day Trip from luxor

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التفاصيل :

these temples are recognized definitely the finest masterpieces of the ancient world not just in Egypt and the most wonderful Egyptian temples, and the highlights of all Egypt Classic tours,enjoy aswan to abou simble day trip, Book your Aswan Excursions now or join Aswan Tours groups to save up to 15 % during all tours and things to do in Aswan! Enjoy our Aswan to Abu Simbel Day Trip!

and you can have more days with Egypt travel packages with toup tour in  . . .  201022772955 & https://www.cairotoptours.com

البيانات :

  • المعلن seo era
  • المدينة: الامارات - العين
  • السعر: 11,511.0AED
  • تاريخ الاضافة: 4 شهور
  • وسيلة الاتصال: 01507067493

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